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Malted food drink and nutrition brand, Cadbury Bournvita, had recently rolled out the #GetTheMessage campaign aimed at raising awareness around kids’ mental and emotional well-being.
The campaign was conceptualised and executed in partnership with creative agency Ogilvy India, media agency Wavemaker India and mental health organisation, The Minds Foundation. The campaign tries to put the spotlight on the oft-neglected topic of children's mental and emotional health.
The film was released on Children’s Day-
Going a step beyond raising awareness, the campaign also lent support through its chatbot that aimed to help parents identify and reach the right help needed for their children.
The chatbot reached over one million parents in a month, resulting in 50000+ hours of conversations on the topic. In addition, the campaign also has a dedicated website and a 24/7 toll-free helpline to not only help parents focus on their children’s mental wellbeing, but also provides them with resources to sensitively handle the issues.
The campaign was amplified through influencer engagement, online webinars, partnerships with online platforms along with on-pack integration to drive awareness amongst parents.