Instagram launches subscriber chats and exclusive content sharing options for content creators

Recently, Instagram also introduced a subscription story sticker and promo reels to encourage followers to subscribe

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Instagram began testing Subscriptions earlier this year as a way for creators to establish a closer connection with their community while earning predictable, monthly income. Instagram has now rolled out new ways in which content creators can connect with their subscribers, including subscriber chats, new ways to share permanent, exclusive content and an exclusive tab on content creators’ profiles.

Introducing Subscriber Chats

Content Creators can now create subscriber chats of up to 30 people to connect with subscribers at the moment and discuss things they are passionate about, share best life hacks or simply bring subscribers together. Subscriber chats, powered by Messenger, can be created directly from the creators’ inbox or story and end automatically after 24 hours, so the creator can maintain balance and decide when and how he/she engages with the subscribers.

Meta said, “The value of subscription offerings across the industry has largely been content-based, but we want to give you a unique way to build community with your subscribers, which we believe can also expand your earning potential.”


Subscribers can join chats from a new “join chat” sticker from the creators’ story, similar to the subscription sticker Instagram rolled out earlier this year. Creators can add this sticker to both subscriber and regular stories, letting existing subscribers join the chat directly while followers can tap to easily subscribe.

The new subscriber tab in the creator’s inbox will allow him/her to easily organize and manage chats with subscribers.

Exclusive Posts and Reels

Instagram is also introducing exclusive content as posts or reels, so a creator’s subscribers can engage in the comments and come back to enjoy the content the creator has created for them.

“While exclusive stories and live allow creators to connect with subscribers at the moment, we know that content that lives on your profile is an important way to attract new subscribers and retain your community,” added Meta.


Exclusive Tab on Profile

To deliver instant value for subscribers, Meta is launching an exclusive tab on creators’ profiles for all things Subscriptions. Now one can create a world of exclusive content, from saving subscribers' lives to sharing feed posts and reels, knowing that the creator’s community can easily find it as soon as they subscribe.

Recently, Meta also made a subscription story sticker and promo reels to encourage followers to subscribe and an easy way to give subscribers a personalised welcome when they join with welcome reels.

Meta recently shared that it will not be taking fees on subscriptions through the end of 2024.

exclusive content sharing options subscriber chats Instagram content creators