Nestlé India's new portal provides real-time and personalised advice on nutrition

The content on has been carefully curated by Nestlé's nutrition experts to help mothers with customised meal plans that are designed on the basis of a growth tracker, taking into account regional preferences, food choices and allergies

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Leveraging its nutritional expertise, Nestlé India has launched ‘’, a website that makes nutrition education digitally more accessible. provides real-time and personalised advice on nutrition that is balanced, relevant, scientifically derived and can be customised for the audience.

It will empower parents, specifically mothers with children between 2-12 years, to make informed decisions about food choices and nutrition for their children, with information now available at their fingertips.

The content on has been carefully curated by Nestlé’s nutrition experts to help mothers with customised meal plans that are designed on the basis of a growth tracker, taking into account regional preferences, food choices and allergies. The growth tracker generates reports and allows mothers to track how their child is growing in comparison to other kids in the same age bracket. A food diary available on the platform helps track daily nutrition and accordingly recommends recipes and meal plans based on deficiencies. It will bust popular myths and explain the science behind traditional beliefs prevalent in society.

Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director, Nestle India, said, “For the corporate campaign, we were keen to create a platform on nutrition information for consumers, which is reliable, trustworthy and scientifically anchored. We have truly gone above and beyond to showcase Nestlé as the leading authority on good food advice, nutritional expertise and knowledge, by embracing technology and the startup ecosystem tied in with our in-depth understanding of food. The service, which is a destination website and later an AI-enabled chatbot integrated with parenting platforms and Google Assistant, will drive engagement with consumers 24X7.”

Through, information centred on nutrition and wellness will be regularly updated and made accessible to the consumers. The brand is continuously working towards reducing sodium, sugars and saturated fats, and adding healthful ingredients like whole grains, vegetables and micronutrients to our foods and beverages, making them more nutritious. will be supported by a television and digital campaign which will aim to explain the science behind traditional beliefs in nutrition, and offer smart solutions for fussy eaters and a custom meal plan. Nestle India