CreatorsClout onboards influencers in South market

The talent management agency has onboarded eight regional language celebrities: Athulyaa, Varsha Bollamma, Kiki Vijay, Sathish, Srushti Dange, Sruthi Hariharan, Akshara Gowda and Mirnaa

BuzzInContent Bureau
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CreatorsClout has announced its expansion into South India with a special focus on onboarding and nurturing talented vernacular language influencers and celebrities.

Influencer marketing, in particular, has emerged as a powerful strategy to reach and engage consumers. However, many marketers have traditionally overlooked the potential of vernacular language influencers, focusing primarily on those who communicate in English or Hindi.

CreatorsClout aims to change this narrative by recognising the potential of South Indian influencers who communicate in regional languages.

The talent management agency has onboarded eight regional language celebrities: Athulyaa, Varsha Bollamma, Kiki Vijay, Sathish, Srushti Dange, Sruthi Hariharan, Akshara Gowda and Mirnaa.

“CreatorsClout understands that the South Indian market is dynamic and multifaceted, comprising millions of digital-savvy individuals who prefer consuming content in their native languages. By tapping into this vast potential, brands can not only drive brand awareness but also establish long-lasting relationships with their target audience," said Raja Sekar, Talent Head (South), CreatorsClout.

Talent Management Akshara Gowda Sruthi Hariharan CreatorsClout Srushti Dange influencers Sathish Kiki Vijay influencer marketing Varsha Bollamma Athulyaa regional language