How content Skore[d] on International Day of Female Orgasm

Recently, came across Skore condom's content initiative with Mallika Dua on the occasion of International Day of Female Orgasm. We caught up with Vishal Vyas of TTK Healthcare to know the content strategy behind the video and to understand his point of view on the content marketing space shaping up in India

Akansha Srivastava
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On the occasion of International Day of Female Orgasm celebrated on August 8, sexual wellness brand Skore collaborated with content creator Mallika Dua to create a video to break some myths and taboos around female orgasm for its brand ‘Skore Oh’.

Skore recently forayed into the sexual wellness segment, offering a range of products for couples. According to the various research reports, two out of every three Indian women haven’t experienced an orgasm. The brand launched the Skore Oh!, pleasure gel for woman on August 8 last year.

Here’s Mallika Dua’s video for the brand:

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The video was co-created with Mindshare, and Dua added her wit and quirk to a serious topic like female orgasm, making it seven minutes of worthwhile entertainment. Sugarshot Films shot the video.

Talking about the campaign, Vishal Vyas, AVP, Marketing, TTK Healthcare, said, “With this video, we want to initiate a conversation on the taboo topic of female pleasure and spread awareness around Skore Oh. There were a lot of misconceptions that needed clearing and some genuine questions needed to be answered. Over the years, Skore has been a brand that has been perceived as catering only to men, mainly due to the product range. Over the last couple of years, we expanded our portfolio and now have a full range of products in the sexual wellness category, and we want to facilitate pleasure and safe sex for all.”

Dua is known for her social media avatar of being ‘Tinder Aunty’. Her Tinder Aunty videos are hilarious, and through her videos, she picks up various topics that talk about sex in women’s lives. Dua’s videos match Skore’s philosophy well, and hence, she became a natural fit for the brand to talk about the much-hushed topic ‘women orgasm’.

It is a general notion that a good piece of branded content is one where the brand doesn’t try to sell itself directly but is subtly integrated into the content. In this video, while Dua is seen answering some questions around female orgasm, she also directly asks her followers to use the gel, for which she’ll be paid to do the brand placement. Somehow, this doesn’t obstruct the content consumption experience. Instead, it only increases the credibility and authenticity of content as it conveys directly the objective of the brand to create the video in the first place.

Vyas said, “Consumers in today’s day and age are more evolved than ever and are quick to spot product placements in content. If it is some form of association, the objective remains to keep the integration look as organic as possible. However, if the content is owned by the brand, in your face, product integration is inevitable. The goal should be to create interesting content around the brand, so that people not only accept it but also find it memorable, which is what we tried to do.”

It is not the first time that the brand has collaborated with Dua. Last year, for the launch, Dua had created a video for the brand, which was well received by the consumers.

Last year’s video by Dua for the brand:

It’s never a cakewalk to even associate with influencers in the category of sexual wellness. It is always a well-thought strategy to collaborate with influencers who fit the category’s requirements. While one has to ensure the tonality of the influencer’s earlier communication with audiences, the general sentiment around the person is key, especially in the sexual wellness category. Vyas said, “The brands should also always pre-empt some negativity and potential backlash and must take preventive measures beforehand given the sensitivity around the products we deal in.”

Sometimes marketing in a category, where the usage of the words like ‘sex’, ‘orgasm’, ‘sexual pleasure’ attract flak from social media police, can be tricky. Therefore, the distribution of content at scale is also another challenge for this category.

Vyas commented, “Owing to new policy guidelines, one mention of the word orgasm or even pleasure and the big social media platforms suddenly look the other way. In recent times, this has become all the more prevalent and is a huge barrier in terms of distribution. For this video, we needed to keep in mind the general feeling around ‘female orgasms’ and had to be mindful on how much we could push the envelope.”

Nevertheless, content marketing is an essential pillar of marketing in the category where Skore functions. Vyas concluded, “The sexual wellness category is an extremely slippery slope to navigate, both in mainline media and on digital. The way we look at it is to not always throw money at it, but to spend time in creating a personality around the brand, creating a voice. The brand must always have something to say around popular culture and must have a point of view on what’s happening around the world. Understanding the sentiment, figuring out the interests and nuances of the consumer and then using content to speak to them is the way forward.”

TTK Healthcare Vishal Vyas