New Update
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Announcing new updates for branded content on its platform, Instagram has introduced the 'Branded Content Tag' feature in Reels and will soon launch it for Live as well.
In an official blog post, Instagram said, “We want to ensure creators can clearly disclose when they’re creating branded content, no matter what format they choose to use. To help increase transparency, the Branded Content tag is launching in Reels today and will begin testing in Live in the coming weeks.”
Instagram has also launched a new workflow where advertisers will be able to create branded content ads without the need for them to post organically on Instagram first.
The post read, “In June 2019, we launched the ability for brands to run branded content posts as ads as a new way to amplify their brand story through the voice of creators. Branded Content ads drive value for creators, too, allowing them to gain additional visibility and discovery.”
It added, “Now brands have more flexibility with fewer constraints when they want to run Branded Content ads. This new process has been designed with creator control in mind — creators can approve and pause any ads published from their handle.”
Instagram wrote in the post that branded content ads in Stories can now include tappable elements such as @mentions, location and hashtags. It has also introduced the ability for businesses to promote branded content posts with product tags.
Instagram recently launched the ability for businesses and creators to set a minimum age for their branded content feed posts on Instagram. They can choose to set a default minimum age or a minimum age for specific countries, or a combination of both.