What makes video-led content the game-changer for brand engagement?

During a panel discussion at Ad:tech 2024, Vijay Iyer, Director at Amazon Ads, and Suyash Saraf, Co-founder of Dot & Key, talked about the latest trends in video-led content marketing. They explored how brands are using videos to connect with audiences and drive rapid expansion

Sakshi Sharma
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Suyash Saraf and Vijay Iyer

In today's fast-paced digital world, there's one thing that grabs our attention like nothing else: videos. Whether it's a funny cat video or a captivating brand story, we just can't seem to get enough of them.

But here's the thing: it's not just about watching anymore. Videos have become the secret sauce for brands looking to connect with their audience and grow like never before. So, what's the magic behind these moving pictures? Let's dive in and uncover the secrets of how smart brands are using videos to make waves in the digital sea.

During a panel discussion titled 'Decoding new-age trends in video led content marketing' at Ad:tech 2024, Vijay Iyer, Director at Amazon Ads, and Suyash Saraf, Co-Founder of Dot & Key, talked about the latest trends in video-led content marketing. They explored how brands are using videos to connect with audiences and drive rapid expansion.

Iyer stated that they have built a strong partnership with Dot & Key, particularly on Mini TV, where the brand has a significant presence through video content marketing. Furthermore, he asked Suyash to share how this partnership developed and how it aligns with the brand's overall strategy.

Saraf said, “We targeted the right audience with Mini TV, and it's rewarding to learn that it boosted our brand and made our product stand out with video content. The connection between the product and the content consumed by viewers added relatability. The traffic generated on our Amazon product page was also notable for our brand. Overall, we observed a significant uptick in our brand recognition. Additionally, people began reaching out to me, noting our TV advertising efforts.”

Saraf emphasised that the trust associated with appearing on TV is extremely important, and trust is built through regular exposure or frequency. Moreover, the credibility of where you are seen matters.

“When you are featured on TV, you become a recognised brand. There are distinct limitations on which brands can advertise on Mini TV, giving us a significant advantage in consumers' minds. This filter has been instrumental in establishing Dot & Key, making Mini TV a crucial channel for us,” he added.

Moving on, Iyer asked, how does this move down the funnel for Saraf? To which Saraf responded, saying, “Amazon has the best advertising technology in the country. Among all the large platforms, Amazon stands out because it targets people who are actively engaging with us, saving about 50% of marketing costs. Additionally, Amazon covers all stages of the sales funnel effectively, ensuring a smooth flow. This comprehensive approach allows us to reach a wide audience and build significant interest in our products, with different channels working together seamlessly.”

Furthermore, Saraf highlighted that content marketing is proving to be highly effective for brands nowadays. Many people spend a significant amount of time on social media and mobile phones today, leading to decreased face-to-face interactions. As a result, influencers have become the new trusted sources for recommendations and social connections.

“To capitalise on this trend, we believe in implementing a comprehensive strategy that leverages influencers throughout the marketing funnel. This entails utilising upper funnel ads to enhance awareness and reach while focusing on middle funnel activities to leverage influencers' recommendation power. By aligning all elements cohesively, we can achieve unprecedented results in brand building. Influencers, in particular, offer a unique advantage as they authentically endorse products, fostering trust and brand salience over time. Consistent engagement with influencers yields long-term benefits, as evidenced by the success of Dot & Key,” he added.

Saraf further stated that awareness marketing, which is a really powerful tool, is underrated.

“We began implementing awareness marketing about 15 months ago. The more we experiment and thoroughly analyse how the funnel is working and where it's making an impact, the more it benefits our business. This also makes our business more predictable,” he added.

Iyer mentioned that Dot & Key was established in 2018. Since 2021, the company has experienced remarkable growth, with its business expanding fivefold during this period.

Adding on to it, Saraf explained that Dot & Key stands for the missing dots of your skincare routine and a solution Dot & Key to it.

“Beauty has always fascinated us, especially due to our active presence on social media and my wife's passion for beauty products. She often ordered items from Europe and South Korea because such products were not readily available in India. Recognising this gap in the market, we saw an opportunity to provide high-quality, effective products locally. We believed that offering Indian consumers access to products similar to those found abroad, coupled with a great customer experience, could be a successful venture. So, back in 2017, we came up with the idea, and then in 2018, we officially launched it,” he added.

Furthermore, he mentioned that they discovered that fruits are packed with antioxidants, nutrition, and vitamins, making them ideal ingredients when combined with science-led elements. This powerful blend effectively addresses consumer needs.

“Inspired by this, we developed a fruit-based beauty brand tailored for the online-savvy audience, particularly the 18–30 age group, amidst the growing internet usage in India. Our brand stands out for its uniqueness and distinction, as other brands in India do not offer similar products. We focused on high-quality products, attractive packaging, and ensuring a great post-purchase experience, forming the foundation of our brand,” Saraf added.

Iyer asked Saraf where he discovered the most success on his journey and which categories and markets have been favourable to his young D2C brand. Additionally, he asked: What channels have proven most effective for him, and which product sets or individual products have performed best?

Responding to Iyer’s question, Saraf highlighted, “We began with a strong D2C framework, recognising our first acquisition occurred on our website. Subsequently, we expanded to platforms like Nykaa and Amazon, ensuring our presence matched consumer behaviour. Our initial focus was moisturisers, a subcategory within face care. Gradually, we expanded to include sunscreen.”

“Understanding the importance of aligning categories with each platform's audience, we concentrated our efforts on the most relevant categories for each platform. This approach allowed us to dominate our target categories while maintaining a sharp focus on key platforms and consistently investing time and effort into them,” Saraf added.

Vikram Iyer Amazon Ads Suyash Saraf videos Mini TV Amazon TV Dot & Key Adtech 2024 Adtech digital brands video content influencers influencer marketing