Power of user-generated content in modern marketing

Suchana Sarkar, Chief Brand Officer, Makani Creatives, emphasises that in a landscape dominated by brand-driven content, UGC stands out for its experience-based nature, countering the trend of push marketing

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Suchana Sarkar

In the '90s, a detergent ad asked consumers for input, unveiling a new product inspired by their comments—an intriguing concept.

Fast forward to the 2020s, today's consumers are outspoken, driven by a desire for influence amplified by social media. Despite drawbacks like increased complaints tagging brands, the silver lining is User-Generated Content (UGC).

UGC is now a vital element in modern marketing, driven by its authenticity and consumer connection, much like the detergent ad from the past. The shift reflects a continued fascination with engaging customers in shaping brand narratives, albeit in a digital era.

User-generated content, or UGC, is created by individuals not affiliated with a brand and not paid or incentivized in any way. This type of content ranges from Social Media posts/tweets/threads/rants to written reviews, testimonials, demos, or even unboxing videos. The more unassuming ones are forum discussions, blog posts, and sometimes memes and fan art. 

Trust is pivotal in the popularity of User-Generated Content (UGC). With movements like de-influencing gaining traction and consumers preferring ad-free services, UGC enables brands to establish trust and credibility by sharing unbiased perspectives from ordinary individuals. During the pandemic, UGC proved effective, with higher engagement and conversion rates compared to highly produced content.

Currently, 78% of millennials rely on UGC for purchasing decisions. Brands step back, allowing internet users—be they fashionistas, amateur chefs, or street dancers—to express genuine feelings. This fosters a more human brand image and forges a deeper connection with the audience.

User-Generated Content (UGC) acts as a relatable bridge between brands and audiences, surpassing the polished façade associated with professional photo shoots and influencers. The key to UGC's marketing prowess lies in its simplicity it breaks down barriers of perfection, fostering a more inclusive narrative. In this space, individuals become protagonists, and brands seamlessly integrate into their authentic and relatable stories.

Westside and Aldo as brands successfully humanising by showcasing audience-styled days, fostering a sense of belonging. Brands like Apple and Starbucks achieve the utopia of users proudly associating their personality with the brand. While many brands conventionally generate User-Generated Content (UGC), proactive steps are crucial for effective utilization. Encourage participation, optimise shareable content, credit creators, engage meaningfully, ensure relevance, and measure impact for improvement, advises an expert. However, UGC faces challenges, veering towards inauthenticity and exploitation. Despite its core being unpaid, brands incentivize creators, compromising integrity.

GoPro, too, excels by featuring user videos, fostering an authentic brand community. The million dollar challenge is how to incentivises UGC. GoPro weaves authenticity into marketing by promising 1 million USD for every UGC video that gets featured on the brand’s marketing reel.

The strategic use of UGC not only strengthens brand identity but also builds a sense of belonging among consumers, as evident in these successful examples.

UGC push marketing brands Suchana Sarkar Makani Creatives User-generated content